Motive (A Lei Crime Kindle World Novella) is coming November 16th!

It's been a busy autumn for me. I've been living at my writing desk and things won't let up until the New Year. After releasing a number of romances and also the long anticipated second book in my Kensington Killers series, I'm thrilled to announce that in just five days, my brand-new cozy mystery, Motive will be LIVE in Kindle Unlimited! Motive will be included in author Toby Neal 's Lei Crime Kindle World along with a slew of other novellas to be released this November 16th! If you're familiar with Toby Neal's series, Motive takes place after her novel, Red Rain. But don't worry if you haven't read the Lei Crime series, I've written this novella in such a way that you will not be lost or out of the loop. And the best part, Motive can be read in under two hours, perfect for a cold, autumn night! You can add Motive to your TBR list on Goodreads HERE and if you'd like an email alert reminder on release day, then sign up for m...