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 I have some truly exciting stuff coming up this holiday season! The recent release of my latest novel, Thomas from the Sea, is just the beginning, and I wouldn't want you to miss out. By signing up for my newsletter, you will gain access to special content and pre-releases, among other fun opportunities. 


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 And now, for a sneak peek at the mystery novel I'm currently working on...called Small Town Secrets. 

Passionate, wounded, and fiercely alive, Leeanne Hessinger has never felt free. She wants something more, something bigger than the life she’s stumbled into as a wife and dispirited drug store clerk, but fleeing to a town unknown to her with a single promise in mind—to finally write a novel—comes at a very high price. When she’s found brutally stabbed to death a year later, a small town’s darkest secrets come to the forefront as the sheriff investigating the crime covers up her own treacherous involvement with the dead woman. Full of twists and turns, SMALL TOWN SECRETS reconstructs a year in the life of Leeanne Hessinger, as she walks the brink of her own destruction and inches closer and closer to death. The cost of freedom, for Leeanne, is ultimately her life.

This stand-alone story centers on the murder of a dangerously mesmerizing woman, and challenges the concepts of both freedom and feminism as lines between ambition and culpability blur. Fans of literary fiction with a mystery through-line will likely love this novel for its deeply drawn characters, voice-driven narratives, and controversial subject matter.

I actually wrote Small Town Secrets a few years ago, but thought the story could benefit if I stuck it in a drawer and didn't look at it for a few years. In the meantime, I continued ghostwriting fiction for other authors and I also wrote Thomas from the Sea.

But I've now taken Small Town Secrets out of the drawer it was hiding in, and I'm fixing it up, which has been a bizarre, interesting experience. 

If you're an author and you've ever done the same--returned to a manuscript you haven't looked at in years--let me know about your experience in the comments section. For me, reading through the novel that I hadn't looked at in ages helped me to quickly clean up overly wordy writing, while at the same time enjoying the slow unfolding of the story. In a lot of ways, it was easier for me to act decisively and change what needed to be changed. It was also a lot easier for me to look at the manuscript objectively, and yet I felt entertained too, as if I was reading someone else's work and liking it!

Be sure to sign up for my newsletter if you would like to be the first to know when Small Town Secrets is available for ARC, as well as other release date information! I promise to never overwhelm your inbox with too many emails! I only want to share the best opportunities with my readers! 

Start reading Thomas from the Sea on Kindle Unlimited now.

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Happy reading!

keywords: cozy mystery, coming of age, magical realism, sleuth, kindle unlimited, new release, Who Is Thomas, mystery novel, christian fiction, christian mystery, religious fiction, spiritual fiction, goodreads, 99 cents, christian fiction for women, christian cozy mystery, clean language, TBR list, happily ever after, HEA ending, literary fiction


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